Btooom! (review)

I finished watching this anime within two days. I didn't have to high expectations but I knew that I would enjoy the op since one of my favorite artists is singing it. I thought the plot seemed interesting and heard some good stuff about it so I decided to check it out. By the way for those who didn't know this anime is for those who have age 17 and up.

Genres: Action, Sci-Fi, Psychological, Seinen

Description: In the blink of the mind's eye, Ryouta Sakamoto suddenly finds himself transported from playing the hit Btoom! video game to being stranded on a mysterious island, equipped with a day's worth of provisions, a bag of bombs, a strange crystal embedded in his left hand and a huge gaping hole in his memory. But it doesn't take long to figure out what's going on, especially after the first person Ryouta meets tries to kill him. Someone is attempting to recreate the ultra-violent Btoom! game in real life, and the island has been filled with an army of other unwilling players, each armed with one of the multiple variants of explosive weapons called BIM. Fortunately, Ryouta's an ace Btoom! player, but this insane version of the game has no reset switch or second lives, and there's only one way off the island: kill seven other people before they can kill you! Can Ryouta repurpose his game based skills fast enough to survive? (source: MAL)

My Opinion
Characters: Ryouta was to me full of himself in the beginning cause he thought that he was the best in the world and that there where no one who could beat him but when the real life game it's kind of like ''here is what you get for thinking like that'' but later on I grew to like him more. There's some moments where Ryouta really and then I mean really like Light from Death Note. I feel sorry for Himiko cause the reason to why she acts like that is actually sad or even frightening.
Plot: If I would explain really summed I think it would be some version Hunger Games with bombs that has more scenes with death, blood and all kinds of people that has something wrong in their life or head. This makes me wonder about what I would do if I would do if I would end up in this kind of situation. Would you kill in order to survive? Can I trust anybody? and so on. This series made me doubt the main character at some points which I like cause I think that's better than being able to predict everything.
Art: The animation remind me a lot of death note but it has moments where it's not that uncomfortable to watch so warning to those who are sensitive. I like the animation and especially in the action scenes
Music: I like this music and especially the opening and in the action moments. Other wise I didn't really notice  the music that much.

Go check out the anime if you're interested and visit again if you want recommendations or my opinion. 
Take care and Watch Anime 


  1. The question is, are you 17+ years old? XD
    I love how the MC's mom killed herself when she sent her son to die. These are people who are hated and then forced to fight their way and survive. The paranoia, the betrayal, the stress, everything is going to $h!+!!!
    I agree with you that I hated Ryouta at first because he's a NEET that yells at his mom and such (Mom, if you ever stumble upon this comment, I am sorry for acting like a brat and being a big burden). I really hate him but then we see him as some hero throughout the show.
    The most awkward thing in this anime is when a thrown bomb bounces off of Himiko's chest. I was like "WTF IS THIS?! Highschool of the Dead?!" XD

    1. I'm not 17 years old. I didn't know that Btooom! was for 17+ until i finished the series and when I was about to make the review I read it so it's kind of to late now XD. I thought the same to while watching that scene where a bomb bounces of her chest. Thanks for reading my review ^_^


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