Black Bullet episode 7 (episode review)

Spoiler Alert!
As expected Enju is alive cause Tina doesn't kill. But Enju doesn't wake up until 2 days. Rentaro is angry and decides to go against Tina even though she's ranked 98. We see him training in a simulator and he is at around 2000% while Tina is at 12000%. We find out about a device that can locate people measure their temperature and other stuff. This is important later on  cause when

Rentaro and Tina fight she uses them to find out his location and shoot him with the weapons that she put up. Rentaro defeats her but doesn't kill her and tries to bring her back. On their way out Tina gets shot by the guy who is one of Seitenshis guards and hates Rentaro. Seitenshi comes in and stop him from shooting Tina more and she ask Rentaro for a wish that she would make happen. He said power and he now is 300 ranks higher and has more access. In the end Tina gets hired to Rentaros agency by Kisara and now a new person is added to the group. How will the series continue this? is my question. Rentaro now has a higher  Tina is added to the group.

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