Mekaku City Actors episode 4 (episode review)

Genres: Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Supernatural

Spoiler Alert!
In this beginning of this episode we see Hibiya (the little guy that Momo bumped into in ep 1) standing looking kind of like life has no point or something like that, I don't know how to describe it. Then we hear a girl that keeps calling for him and they start to talk. After the op we see Hibiya again but now it's a little bit after he met Momo after he bought what he needed  and he thinks that Momo seems familiar but doesn't know from where (while he passes large posters of the idol Momo).We find out that the reason to why he had to go to the same shop as Momo was because he wanted to buy a present so he could impress a girl and also buy something else. When he arrives to his home we meet the girl and her name is Hiyori, he bought the present for and we see that he didn't buy the best gift that you could give to a girl and that she really doesn't see him as a guy whilst he likes her a lot. Hibiya is not from the city and we get to see what he goes through in order to be able to go to the city during the summer just to be able to be with Hiyori.

We also get to meet Konoha who is a foster child of Hiyoris uncle whom she likes a lot cause she thinks he's cool. Hibiya wanted to spend the summer alone with Hiyori this summer but it didn't end up that way cause she payed more attention to Konoha. Then he falls a sleep and when he wakes up again he starts to act weird and the episode starts to get darker. He wakes up and go out and find Hiyori with a cat and when the cat runs away she also does, she runs over the road and gets hit by a vehicle. When she falls back we can see her say something but not hear. He wakes up on the same day again and he tries to prevent her from dying but that didn't work, the cat was there again and she died again and we could see he mouth moving. In the end he just goes along with it and end up on the road again but instead of letting her die he switches places with her and we see and hear what he says. Here is the music video that this ep was based of and I love this song.   

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