Mekakucity Actors episode 7 (episode review)

Spoiler Alert!
Haruka is in the hospital and Takane doesn't want to be there when he wakes up cause she thinks that she's horrible. She met Ayano in school and Ayano says that Takane should be honest with herself and that Ayano doesn't desrve to be with Shintaro cause he needs a girl who able to bring him out of his comfort zone. Takane realizes that she wants to be with Haruka but she wasn't able to get to the hospital and tell him. She dies because of her weak body and we also see the sensei. We see how Takane becomes Ene. We're in the present after that. Ene told everybody the story.

They realized that they're connected by Ayano and Ene remembers the from the festival. Kano, Kido and Seto are Ayanos siblings(not by blood). Shintaro shut himself in when Ayano died. They got a call from Seto and he says that he found a shaken Shintaro and that his friend ended up in a traffic accident. Kano stays and talks to the grave and Ene stayed in his phone cause he told her that he knew something about waking up with another body and reminds her that Haruka died. In the end we see how Haruka became Konoha. What will happen now, how will Shintaro react when he finds out about all this? How much does Kano know? And what's with the sensei?

Take care Watch Anime
Kuro Kitsune


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