No game No Life episode 6 (episode review)

Genres: Adventure, Ecchi, Comedy, Fantasy, Supernatural

In the beginning of this episode we learn to know the angel/flugel Jibril. She doesn't actually talk with that accent cause she spoke it that it was original when she started talking it but she switch to a normal way to talk. She is really interested in unknown stuff but doesn't believe Sora when he tells her that they're from another world. Anyway Sora challenges Jibril and he bets 40 000 books from their world(in an Ipad) and she bets everything she has.

They play a game called Shiritori but it has twist and it's Materialization Shirotori in which the players are required to say a word which begins with the final kana of the previous word and any word that they use have to be something that exist, if the say a word of something that isn't in the room it will appear and if they say a word of something that's in the room it will disappear. In the end Shiro and Sora wins and they are now Jibrils master. I love that it has a lot of comedy moments (not so sure about the fan service) but also that they can be serious and smart when they're playing a game. They even brought in chemistry. I like Jibril so far and wonder how they will continue from now when they have a library and a Flugel who's their slave.

Take care Watch Anime


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