Fairy Tail 2014 episode 5 (episode review)

Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Shounen

Spoiler Alert!
In this episode we get an update on the rankings of the guilds after Gray defeated Rufus. We get to see what happened after Sting shot Sabertooths guild master cause he killed Lector and we find out that Lector didn't die cause Minerva transported Lector to another place but she didn't gice him back to Sting cause she wanted him to become the guild master and want to show everybody that Sabertooth is the strongest guild so she wanted to show that by showing Stings power he used when he thought Lector died. After that we are back at the cave where Lucy, Natsu and the others are trapped and we see Natsu collapsed on the ground. We find out that the reason to that was because he was hungry.


Later Carla and Happy found a crevice that they could fit through. When they got through they found Arcadios beaten up and we can see shadows of people that Natsu and the others don't notice. Arcadios told them to run away sometimes but after a while it was to late. Then a group of people appear and Natsu starts laughing because they look weird. The group is a group of executioners and execute the criminals/people that the kingdom sends down to the cave. Natsu and Wendy ends up fighting two of the girls. One girl is called Cosmos and can use plant magic and the other one can use paper magic. The girls seemed to have an advantage in the beginning but in the middle Natsu and Wendy starts to turns the table but then the other people of the execution group start interfering and Natsu and the others are at a disadvantage.  I enjoyed this episode a lot. I like the comedy, the execution group and we see some NaLu moments too. 

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