No Game No Life episode 8 (episode review)

Spoiler Alert!
Sora, Shiro and the other are about to go into the castle that was formerly owned by imanity but now owned by the warbeasts. Sora has made an appointment with the warbeasts to meet the ambassador of the eastern federation Izuna Hatsuse. Sora has figured out that the warbeasts actually can't read minds but that they can see if someones lying by looking at a persons body temperature and heartbeat. Also that they played video games when they were challenged so that they could cheat how much they want and cause they can erase the memories of the game the other challengers never figured out why they lost.

Sora challenges the warbeasts and bet the Imanity race chess piece. they leave the building and the people are furious with Sora cause he bet the race of Imanity. Sora seems to be going to play the game alone, he talk about a promise Sora and Shiro made and then he disappears on the 19th. After the ed Shiro wakes up in a bed without Sora, her phone has no contacts, it says that it's the 21 and when she asks Steph about her brother Steph doesn't seem to know anything. Not even his name. That broke my heart a little bit. I was a little bit confused about what happened to Sora but I enjoyed the episode a lot.

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