Black Bullet episode 8 (episode review)

Spoiler Alert!
In the beginning we get to see a part of the wall called Monolith around Tokyo get attacked. After that we see Rentaro and Kisara teaching the cursed children and in the middle of it Seitenshi comes in. Rentaro now has to gather a group to fight against the Gastrea by the Monolith. When Rentaro comes home after that Tina and Enju welcoming him home cosplaying. Tina now calls Rentaro Oni-san (older brother in japanese). The day after that Rentaro goes to recruit people and shows her around Tokya while he has the chance. They have a cute date. They meet a blind cursed child standing in the mall trying to earn money.


Rentaro gives her some money so she doesn't have to be there more and they leave. Then we get to meet two knew characters Yuzuki and Tamaki that Rentaro tries to recruit. Yuzuki is a cursed child that calls Rentaro pervert a lot and Tamaki is her older brother, he doesn't work for someone who's weaker than him and didn't wan't join the group to fight for Tokyo. They fight against each other because of that and Rentaro and Tina wins. I like Tamaki but Yuzuki a bit less cause I think I'll be annoyed if she calls Renatora pervert all the time. I think that the cursed child will show up again.

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