Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin episode 5 (episode review)

Genres: Comedy, Romance, Supernatural

Spoiler Alert!
In the beginning we see Juugo, Tensai, Daruku, Yuiga and Abara eating at the restaurant. We see fights for food, Juugo starts concentrating on Daruku when we get to see a weird side of Daruku all the food got eaten. The club is going to a hot spring in the future. After he went home and the next day he goes on a date (meeting) to meet Yukihime. When she comes in to the place she wears exposing clothes and acted weird (I even wondered who it was). We find out that it was Shuu (the guy disguises himself) and then the real Yukihime comes and she tries to convince him to come back to Matsuri. He declines and when he comes home Tensai, Daruku and the landlord is also there. Juugo has to pay the utility bill and the electricity bill is high cause Nanana is playing games 24/7.

He decides to get a part time job to be able to pay the bill since he stopped working for Matsuri he doesn't get allowance. He found out about a place in school where you can take part time jobs secretly from Yuiga. He meets a disguised Tensai there, she has black hair and piggy tails. He decides to take a job where he get to make a delivery for 8000 yen (about 80 dollars). When he gets to the place with the bag that he had to deliver, the place is shady and when he checks the contents of the bag we can't see it but it seems like it's something unusual... He meets Shuu there and makes him go into the place with him, later Shuu runs away. He get escorted to a room where he's going to meet the employer by a guy with a sword and when he gets there but a little girl. He has to wait for her, while waiting he looks at the stuff there and teases the little girl. When the employer arrives Juugo gets scared and she seems dangerous. She tricked him with a arrow and then something happened outside and he had to leave.

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