Nisekoi episode 18 (episode review)

Genres: Comedy, Romance, Shounen

Spoiler Alert!
This episode of Nisekoi is a beach episode. We see Chitoge acting weird in this episode and she reacts when Marika hits on Raku. When they draw lottery about who is going to make the barbecue. Raku and Chitoge were the ones who had to make it. Chitoge acts weird when they accidentally touch hands while making food to them and the others. Later in the evening Raku and Onodera are sitting by the ocean talking about the past when the others are cleaning.

Chitoge has to bring them back we hear Onodera ask Raku if it's okay if she kisses him but it he didn't hear cause he fell asleep(who would fall asleep with their crush beside them?). Chitoge heard it but didn't hear it righ and changed kiss to Kimchi. The day after while Chitoge and Onodera are playing with sand Chitoge tells Onodera that her ''friend'' is starting to feel and act weird around a certain person and Onodera says that the person is having a crush. Later when they are playing with fireworks Chitoge goes away and play by herself cause she's to nervous around Raku. But Raku searches for her when they wondered where she were and when he finds her they talk. They both say that they don't hate each other as much as when they first met and the she asks if he thinks if it would work out if they dated for real. He says that it wouldn't and that she isn't his type and she gets upset and tells him to stio talking cause who wouldn't be if the one you like said it like that. There is also a moment where he sees her in another way. She ran away after that.

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