Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet Chapter 69 (Chapter Review)

Now that we have Fumi's dad approving of their relationship we move on to Fumi's birthday. Kibikino lets Fumi decide what she wants or wants to do for her birthday.

Fumi doesn't know what she wants but her friend suggests a date in Nyacky Land, an amusement park date. She also mentions how there's a jinx of if a couple kisses on the Ferris wheel at 7:07 on the day of your birthday they'll stay together happily forever. Oddly specific jinx, timewise. Likely foreshadowing that they'll get on the Ferris wheel. So that is what they decide to do.

Kibikino and Fumi meet at the amusement park all dressed up. Fumi looking very cute and Kibikino looks like a trendy model in ripped jeans and a... banana shirt? Both were styled by Yoh and Gorou. They enter the amusement park and Fumi is very excited about the amusement park.

Soon after entering they meet Kibikino's ex-girlfriend. The ex talks about how they didn't do gentle stuff like this when they were together and said that he has changed. He agrees with "Yes, I did change", Fumi has changed him and help him learn how to care for others. Fumi gets jealous and tries to maturely handle it by saying that she has a strange feeling and that she wishes that she could've seen him and how he was back then. In response, Kibikino says "Shall we? Let's make our date... as if we're the same age".

We see a bit of the lower self-esteem in Fumi from her being younger than him and not having as much experience and missing out on the time Kibikino was young and clumsy. Kibikino in this chapter has been trying to cater to Fumi and her wants, also trying to look younger using fashion but also now proposing of having a date as if they were the same age. He's growing more considerate and the next chapters probably have a lot of cute scenes to come.


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