Zankyou no Terror episode 1 (episode review)

Spoiler Alert!
I love this series right now, it has really hooked me. Because I like how realistic the world is, the people, bullying, electronic devices and environment. It starts of with a scene during winter where we can see the two main characters twelve and nine(that's what they call each other) steal and nuclear bomb. They also made graffiti that said 'Kon'. After the op we see Lisa the main girl being bullied 6 months later during summer. The girls are trying to make Lisa jump in the pool fully clothes but twelve show up and does it for fun. Later the same day twelve and nine are transferring in to the same school. We see a scene in a detective office where we can see a video on Youtube with masked Nine and twelve a saying that it'll become dark after 3 pm tomorrow in a chosen area of Tokyo.

We see that Lisa eats in the bathroom but when she checks her moms texts she almost pukes and flushes down the food. That night we see Nine wake up from a nightmare where the three main characters as kids trying to escape a building that's on fire.they say that she has the same eyes as the kids in the institution . The day has come and the classes are visiting a building. When the times come a black out happens. During that time we see Nine and Twelve place out lots of stuffed animals around the building. Lisa finds Nine while he's doing this, gives her one and tells her to not let go of it until he says so. The stuffed animals explodes one after one when both of them are out of the building. Nine tells him about the Lisa and leaves it in his hands. They call her and gives her a choice. The choice was between die and becoming an accomplice. She chose becoming an accomplice and they got assembled in the end. What will happen from now on? Will the detective be able to solve this case? And the institution?

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