Barakamon episode 1 (episode review)

Spoiler Alert!
At first we see the at an exhibition(in Tokyo) where an old guy(important person) is stand there and insulting Handas calligraphy. He ends up punching him and ruins his own carrier, but honestly he kinda deserved it. handa decides to move out to an island and when he arrives he gets lift from an old man whom he can't understand very well cause he can't hear and the accent. The old man mentions something about his grandchild. When he arrives by his house he gets the key from a man we see two kids sneaking away and the house looks used. He looks at the house and finds a little girl hiding in the kitchen.

He throws the man and the girl out cause he wanted to be alone to write calligraphy but the girl Naru somehow got in again. That happens some more times and he goes out later and Naru appears. Naru is an interesting little girl. She tried to write the calligraphy the Handa did earlier and did it really well. She shows him a beautiful sunset and they play in the water for a while when he pushed her in and she dragged him in. when they're back lot's of people from the town/village came to help him move in. I really like this the characters are interesting and I tried doing some calligraphy because of this... I didn't go well... at all. The ep review came up really late even though i watched it last week (procrastination).

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