Akame ga Kill! episode 1 (episode review)

Spoiler Alert!
In the beginning we see Tatsumi defeating a monster on a road heading towards the capital to earn money and status so he can save his village. In the capital he gets thrown out of the place where he tried to get a job and he meets a woman that said that she could help him get a job within the military quick. She ended up taking all his money and he sleeps outside since he had no money. A carriage comes by and a girl gets out and invites him to her home. He hesitates at first since he just got swindled but goes in the end.

Looks like she's really nice cause she brings home people it often (but you don't see anyone else she brought home in the house). The day after he goes along with her and her guards to shop and Tatsumi find out about the group night raid that goes around killing high status people during night. Later that night the family gets attacked by Night Raid. The parents get killed and Tatsumi goes to protect the girl but she's about to get killed by Akame that first passes him cause he's not a target but the end up fighting but they gets stopped by the girl who took his money.They explain that the reason they're killing the family is because they take in people and torture them until death. There is a small house where he sees that two of his friends that he came from the village with. The girl is dead cause she's been tortured to death and the other guy is in a prison. Tatsumi realizes the truth and kills the girl. The guy who was imprisoned died and Tatsumi end up becoming a member. This is funny and also has it's serious/horror moments and I like that a lot.

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