Ao Haru Ride episode 2 (episode review)
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It starts of with a scene with Futaba and Kou in middle school playing cops and robbers. They try to help each other but that didn't go as well. Then the op starts and I like a lot but I wonder why there's so much make up in it since Futaba isn't a girl that uses it. After the op we see Futaba in class with her friends talking about the lunch incident from the day before. They thought that she did it, we see Makita leave the classroom to eat with her friends and then Futaba has to go and get notes cause she on duty. On the way there she sees Makita sitting outside in the cold eating alone. She's in the same situation as Futaba was in middle school. She gets a tiny stuffed animal from Makita and as payback she gives her a hand warmer.
It starts of with a scene with Futaba and Kou in middle school playing cops and robbers. They try to help each other but that didn't go as well. Then the op starts and I like a lot but I wonder why there's so much make up in it since Futaba isn't a girl that uses it. After the op we see Futaba in class with her friends talking about the lunch incident from the day before. They thought that she did it, we see Makita leave the classroom to eat with her friends and then Futaba has to go and get notes cause she on duty. On the way there she sees Makita sitting outside in the cold eating alone. She's in the same situation as Futaba was in middle school. She gets a tiny stuffed animal from Makita and as payback she gives her a hand warmer.
When she's about to go in to the office she sees Kou and Tanaka sensei (same last name) and she finds out that Kou is in the advanced course. When Kou doesn't help her with the notes Tanaka sensei does instead. She tells him that they went to the same middle school and he says I see. We see two new characters Murao and Kominato. Later when she's in class with her two friends they talk about Makita cause they hate her when she act all cute in front of the boys. Futaba stands up for her also herself. Makita shows up and stands up for herself and Futaba leaves when she realized what she did. She meets Kou and lets her anger out on him and when she starts crying there are people walking by and Kou holds her to hide her from them. He lets her call him Kou so she wont use Tanaka anymore. Some time after she tells her friends that they where her true feelings. When that was over she wanted to see Kou and in the end they meet.
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