Tokyo ESP episode 1 (episode review)
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This episode starts of with a happy evening around Christmas. But that changes when a group of espers attack a building and then take hostages. They also attack the streets of Tokyo. Espers are people with special abilities like seeing the future, transportation, air manipulation and so on. The people hate espers cause they think they're like monsters and they're the cause of this. But there is a well known esper called the White girl that has saved people before and there is people hoping that she'll come.
This episode starts of with a happy evening around Christmas. But that changes when a group of espers attack a building and then take hostages. They also attack the streets of Tokyo. Espers are people with special abilities like seeing the future, transportation, air manipulation and so on. The people hate espers cause they think they're like monsters and they're the cause of this. But there is a well known esper called the White girl that has saved people before and there is people hoping that she'll come.
In a building where people are hiding from the chaos on the streets we see a man talking about how bad all espers are cause the one causing this are espers. Hate when people think like that. But a young guy stands up and say that all espers aren't bad. He later on turned out to be an esper and he's friends with the white girl. He and 2 other esper girls defeats an esper who came to bomb the area. In the end we finally see the main character. interesting that they chose to show the main by the end of the first episode. By the way where is the panda and the flying fish? I want to see them.
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