Mekaku city Actors final episode 12 (episode review)
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Everybody gathered in the laboratory building where Momo, Hibiya and Kido where held. Everybody except Shintaro that went to Ayano. Ene is now in her original body and they are trying to find Tateyama. They get stopped on the way and everybody except Hibiya and Seto uses their power to stop them. Then One more shows up while Ene says that she's not violent and grabs her. She uses her ability to make him deaf and then and he faints from the shocks when she shot him. They get lost cause Kano forgot how far they've gotten when they got attacked.
Everybody gathered in the laboratory building where Momo, Hibiya and Kido where held. Everybody except Shintaro that went to Ayano. Ene is now in her original body and they are trying to find Tateyama. They get stopped on the way and everybody except Hibiya and Seto uses their power to stop them. Then One more shows up while Ene says that she's not violent and grabs her. She uses her ability to make him deaf and then and he faints from the shocks when she shot him. They get lost cause Kano forgot how far they've gotten when they got attacked.
Hibiya managed to use his clairvoyance power to find Tateyama. He turns out to be on the floor under them and Konoha breaks the floor so they fall into the lab. It turns out that this world is created by Marry cause she has been through other in another world where everybody dies and she resets the world so she can enjoy being with everybody again. She wished for that a lot of times. Tateyamas power takes over Konoha, he becomes Kuroha and attacks everybody. He wants Marry to reset the world again so he gets another chance to fulfill Tateyamas wish. Shintaro shows up with Ayano and everybody prevents Marry from resetting the world. Kuroha disappears with help from Konoha and Haruka too. Everybody gets a happy ending in the end. I enjoyed the series a lot. There was a lot of head tilts though (typical Shaft).
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