Bokura wa minna Kawaisou (review)

Episodes: 12

Genres: Comedy, Romance, School, Slice of Life

Description: Usa, a high-school student aspiring to begin a bachelor lifestyle, moves into a new apartment only to discover that he not only shares a room with a perverted roommate that has an obsession for under aged girls, but also that another girl, Ritsu, a love-at-first-sight, is living in the same building as well!

Characters: Usa is a high school guy that has fallen in love with a girl named Ritsu. He's a guy with the ability that allows him to be able to be around ''special people'' and handle them in a good way. Other wise he would have moved a long time ago. Kawai Ritsu is Usas senpai and she is obsessed with reading books and a loner girl who doesn't mind being alone. But she has cute side to her. Shirosaki is Usas roommate and a masochist. He's really funny and he even has some good moments. Mayumi is also one that lives in the apartment and she's a woman who doesn't have the best luck in love. 

Plot: The plot is a little bit similar to ''Sakurasou pet na kanojo'' with the appartment part but the characters are different. I like Sakurasou more though. This series is really funny and the characters are a big part of the comedy. I like how the characters interact. It's has cute moments. It's a typical anime rom/com since it's funny, cute and enjoyable. Lots of interesting stuff is happening in the apartment. 

Art: I think that the art is beautiful. The sun rays that you can see in the background was pretty to me at first then they became a little bit. The backgrounds for the comedy scenes or cute scenes get really colorful and kind of comic book like.  

Music: You get some music examples. I think the music really suit the series and set the mood a lot. Other than than I don't have much to say. I don't thinks that it would be something that I would have on my play list though.

In sum I enjoyed the series and would recommend it for those who enjoy colorful rom/coms. I laughed in a lot of episodes. 

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