Mekaku City Actors episode 9 (episode review)

Spoiler Alert!
In the beginning we see Ayano as a kid and her mom telling her a story about a monster. Then we get to see how Ayano met Kiddo, Seto and Kano, while the song Ayanos happiness theory was playing in the background. Then the animation got really weird and I didn't like it. When the animation go back to normal we get to see Ayano become a big sister for them and that Kano liked her. Later on the mom disappears after a traffic accident. Ayano goes into her fathers room to close the window but were unsure since her dad told her to leave last time.

She fins a diary that her mom wrote and she finds out that the ending of the monsters story didn't have a happy ending but the monster had to leave her family. The snakes that were in the monsters hair were the reason to why people got the eye power, that the power developed when someone is close to death and some other stuff. In the end when we are back in the present Kano tells Ene about what he and Ayano found out. The teacher/father has an eye power that has a will on its own and can act on it's own. He's trying to gather all the snakes (the people with the powers) so that they'll gather around the queen snake. That's why he adopted Kiddo, Kano and Seto. Ene and Haruka was sacrifices for this project. 

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